Nicomac Europe is able to supply made in Europe equipment for solid forms with high containment capabilities or under isolators from OEB3 to OEB5. The complete line under isolators has been supplied with great success all over the world.

Manufacturing and handling highly potent compounds requires specialized containment capabilities in respect to personnel, equipment and facilities. This to protect the drug product, the operators and the environment. Most manufacturing processes for oral solid dosage (OSD) drugs require some level of containment. Nicomac is able to supply made in Europe equipment for solid forms with high containment capabilities or under isolators from OEB3 to OEB5. The Nicomac designed, complete line under isolators has been supplied with great success all over the world. Automatic and ergonomic sliding doors for an easy access to the isolators requiring less space. All round and smooth corners. High ergonomic handling inside the isolator: FBD container moving on rails from HSM to Mill, vacuum transfer from container to Mill and from Mill to Blender. Unique control system CFR21 part 11 compliant for all granulation line and isolators.
- Isolators for high containment designed for oel up to 0.1 μg/m3
- Isolators for Dispensing- Sampling- QC
- Containment glove box
- Certified exposure device operator
- Pass box
- Material transfer technology
- Split butterfly valves
- RTP rapid transfer port technology
Nicomac and a partner specialized in isolator technology joined their experiences, know-how and talent to design, develop, manufacture and supply Isolation Technology to pharmaceutical companies all over the world.
Nicomac is the right solution if you are looking for isolators for solid forms
Nicomac has a specialized department with high expertise & exceptional skill on Isolation Technology for high containment.
Nicomac success is due to the proven ability to produce advanced tailor-made solutions that meet client individual containment needs. Based on European technology, Nicomac started designing and manufacturing Isolators in 2004.
Nicomac has supplied and installed a completely contained granulation line with 5 kg capacity, for high potency products under isolator – OEL level of 0.1 µg/m3 in 8 hours. An ergonomic and high tech solution for:
- Dispensing
- HSM NicoMix
- FBD NicoBed
- NicoMill
- Tumbler NiCO Mixers
- Tablet press
- NCS Coater
- RTP Technology