Dry powder mixing, wet powder mixing and granulation can achieve high performance with the Nicomac unique planetary mixer, the “Nicomix™”. Nicomac high shear mixer – granulator can be provided with both automatic and manual dosing system for powders or binding solution.

The Nicomix™ line of granulating equipment combines the 3-blades impeller with a design able to ensure a very good movement of the granules even at low speed. The blade tips of the granulator are positioned tangentially to avoid any dead spots.

The erfect and uniform granulation is allowed thanks to the Tulip design of the bowl that also allows to work from 30-40% up to 100% of the batch size.

The Nicomac rapid mixer design allows a perfect and uniform granulation. It’s easy to validate, clean in place either through a built-in system or through Nicomac CIP-WIP movable Skid ™. Nicomac rapid granulator can be designed to be installed in high containment granulation lines for both R&D labs and production.

  • Pharmaceutical execution for cGMP compliance
  • Rapid high shear mixer design to avoid mechanical friction with the product
  • Granulator dust free loading and unloading operation
  • In house Granulators and High shear mixers R&D for your product development
  • Excellent powder mixing for granule size uniformity
  • All mixers and granulators are equipped with tight mechanical seal
  • All Granulators available in large variety of capacities
  • Worldwide network for excellent after sales service and fast trouble shooting
  • High shear and mixers equipped with state-of-the-art Siemens PLC based control system with touch screen HMI. CFR21 PART 11 software
Example of perfect and uniform granulation
Geometric capacity lt. 14.5 25 50 100 190 464 600 800
Batch max. capacity lt. 10 20 35 80 150 370 480 640
Batch min. capacity1 lt. 5 8 17 37 63 150 200 270
Batch max. capacity
(bulk density of 0,5)
kg 5 10 17.5 50 75 185 240 320
Width with platform mm 930 1250 1400 1600 2860 3200 3570 3700
Depth with discharging valve mm 1478 1540 2215 2640 2830 3057 3367 3445
Total height with lid open 70% mm 1300 1350 1875 2200 2518 2750 3083 3100
Weight kg 180 355 425 622 1285 2100 2850 3670